Issues compiling for gcov with coreutils example
David Gloe
2013-04-08 05:18:45 UTC

I'm looking at the coreutils example. The first issue I had was that the
cde package doesn't come with [.o and [.gcno files, so I wanted to try
recompiling with gcov support to get those files.

I'm on a 64-bit Ubuntu 12.04 system. When I tried the compile, I first
got an issue with uname.o not matching the target i686 architecture.

Thinking that was an issue with compiling for 64 bit instead of 32 bit,
I added -m32 to the CFLAGS configure variable, and got this:

gcc -std=gnu99 -g -m32 -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage -Wl,--as-needed
-o df df.o ../lib/libcoreutils.a ../lib/libcoreutils.a
../lib/libcoreutils.a(xgetcwd.o): In function `xgetcwd':
undefined reference to `rpl_getcwd'

I haven't been able to find anything through google on how to resolve
this problem. I figure there's some configure option I'm missing. I
guess I can try all of the other coreutils, but I started trying to use
[ because it's the first one in alphabetical order :)

-David G.
