Urmas Repinski
2013-04-19 06:06:20 UTC
I have some program, named schedule.c, that i want symbolically evaluate using klee, to generate inputs.
Inside the program i have some fscanf(stdin, "%d", &command) comes, and with "%f" argument also.
I want to make this command variable symbolic, no difference to generate symbolic input file for it, ot to make it as usual variable and to generate inputs.
When i compile the code with llvm-gcc, then compilation is success and .o file is generated.
But when i execute .o file using klee -
klee schedule.o
I get :
KLEE: WARNING: undefined reference to function: __isoc99_fscanf
KLEE: WARNING: undefined reference to variable: stdin
KLEE: WARNING ONCE: calling external: __isoc99_fscanf(140528011303360, 51367536, 51252160)
and no inputs is generated, execution stops.
Obviously necessary to replace the reading from stdin by --sym-files parameters, but if i add
klee schedule.o --sym-files 0 20
0 - means that no addition files needed, stdin only, and 20 some arbitrary number, size of data.
When i hit Ctrl+C then 5 inputs are generated, but not in this variables what i want.
Please suggest any possible parameters combination, i think to avoid warnings necessary to remove fscanf from original code, but in this case klee will not know what variables to make symbolic.....
Urmas Repinski
I have some program, named schedule.c, that i want symbolically evaluate using klee, to generate inputs.
Inside the program i have some fscanf(stdin, "%d", &command) comes, and with "%f" argument also.
I want to make this command variable symbolic, no difference to generate symbolic input file for it, ot to make it as usual variable and to generate inputs.
When i compile the code with llvm-gcc, then compilation is success and .o file is generated.
But when i execute .o file using klee -
klee schedule.o
I get :
KLEE: WARNING: undefined reference to function: __isoc99_fscanf
KLEE: WARNING: undefined reference to variable: stdin
KLEE: WARNING ONCE: calling external: __isoc99_fscanf(140528011303360, 51367536, 51252160)
and no inputs is generated, execution stops.
Obviously necessary to replace the reading from stdin by --sym-files parameters, but if i add
klee schedule.o --sym-files 0 20
0 - means that no addition files needed, stdin only, and 20 some arbitrary number, size of data.
When i hit Ctrl+C then 5 inputs are generated, but not in this variables what i want.
Please suggest any possible parameters combination, i think to avoid warnings necessary to remove fscanf from original code, but in this case klee will not know what variables to make symbolic.....
Urmas Repinski