About LLVM 3.x and Clang support
Pietro Braione
2014-07-14 14:40:45 UTC
Hello to everyone. I have read from previous messages in the mailing list that there is work on KLEE to support latex LLVM and Clang. What is the status of that branch? Which versions of LLVM and Clang currently supports? How do I obtain and build it?
Thank you
Pietro Braione
University of Milano-Bicocca
Chaoqiang Zhang
2014-07-14 21:40:07 UTC
I just tried clang+llvm 3.4, it works. By the way, I am not sure about the
official support.
Post by Pietro Braione
Hello to everyone. I have read from previous messages in the mailing list
that there is work on KLEE to support latex LLVM and Clang. What is the
status of that branch? Which versions of LLVM and Clang currently supports?
How do I obtain and build it?
Thank you
Pietro Braione
University of Milano-Bicocca
klee-dev mailing list
Daniel Liew
2014-07-15 08:50:33 UTC
Post by Pietro Braione
Hello to everyone. I have read from previous messages in the mailing list that there is work on KLEE to support latex LLVM and Clang.
What is the status of that branch?
The support is already in the master branch. Please note this support
is experimentally so not everything works.
Post by Pietro Braione
Which versions of LLVM and Clang currently supports?
LLVM 3.4 (with Clang 3.4) is the current target
Post by Pietro Braione
How do I obtain and build it?
Build LLVM 3.4 (3.4.2 is the lastest) with clang as normal and the
build KLEE against that.

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